Masters of Sex

1956: Dr. Charles Alfred Kinsey, Kinsey Institute at Indiana University, dies. Fertility surgeon and specialist, Dr. William Howell Masters, also fascinated with the science surrounding human sexuality, meets future research partner, Virginia Ellis Johnson, at Washington University in Missouri.



Movie time

60 min

Directed by



Michael Sheen, Lizzy Caplan, Caitlin FitzGerald



01E04 - Thank You for Coming

Ethan's frustration over having the quadruplets taken over by Masters is soothed by telling his wife she's finally pregnant, but he can't handle Virginia's hard-to-get arrogance. Virginia's penniless ex George Johnson, father of rascal Henry, invites himself to her place and, beyond hope, bed when expelled by his landlord, then joins the study as volunteer under an alias, which she spills to Masters. Wiliam is far from amused that his wife invited his widowed mother Estabrooks Masters and invites his colleagues to a party in her honor, and worse: she wants to move into St.Louis.

Date: 20 Oct 2013
IMDB id: tt2764070
IMDB rating: 8.1
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